Detox and Cleanse . . .

Compiled by Maireid Sullivan
2014, updated 2020
Work in progress
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"You are not sick, you are thirsty. Don't treat thirst with medication."
- Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, (1992), Your Body's Many Cries for Water

Natural internal cleansers & anti-inflammatory foods
Step 1
- Detox and Cleanse
Step 2
- Easy Blood Cleanse
Step 3
- Lymphatic System Cleanse
Step 4
- Cleaning fruit & vegetables


Metabolic syndrome and obesity are increasing global health problems.
Besides following an appropriate diet, there are several choices available for cleansing the body of built-up wastes.
Find out what works for YOU!

Digestion begins in the mouth: Chew well and 'pull' foods through salivary 'digestive juices' before swallowing - to support digestion.

Key Study:
Glyphosate Levels in Children and Adults Drop Dramatically
After One Week of Eating Organic

August 11, 2020
... Organic Diet Intervention Significantly Reduces Urinary Glyphosate Levels in U.S. Children and Adults, reaffirms previous research and, along with a companion study from 2019, represents the most comprehensive scientific analysis showing that an organic diet rapidly and dramatically reduces exposure to toxic pesticides, including glyphosate, organophosphates, pyrethroids, neonicotinoids and 2,4-D. 
Organic farming prohibits the use of these and over 900 other toxic pesticides allowed in non-organic farming. >>>more
NOTE: For a helpful remedy, jump to Cleaning fruits and vegetables - Step 5

British biogerontologist Audrey deGrey has outlined 7 types of aging damage caused by JUNK inside cells.

"Our cells are constantly breaking down proteins and other molecules that are no longer useful or which can be harmful. Those molecules which can't be digested simply accumulate as junk inside our cells. Atherosclerosis, macular degeneration and all kinds of neurodegenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer's disease) are associated with this problem." >>> more

Natural Internal Cleansers & anti-inflammatory foods

~ Water / H2O: Increase water intake to help flush out toxins.
Drink plain water between meals in the afternoon to allow your stomach time to rest and replenish digestive juices.
Sparkling mineral water & all soft drinks are acid pH, except soda water, which includes bicarbonate of soda in the ingredients.

More details on natural disinfectants here

"You are not sick, you are thirsty. Don't treat thirst with medication."
Dr. F. Batmanghelidj (1931-2004) wrote the hugely popular early 90s treatise on water, Your Body's Many Cries for Water: You are not sick. You are thirsty [1st edition 1992; 3rd edition 2008]. His findings were based on treating malnourished, dehydrated prisoners of war after Iran's revolution broke out in 1979, while he, too, was a political prisoner - imprisoned for two years and seven months.

Dr Batmanghelidj
recommended drinking about 8 large glasses of water a day (8x8oz glasses). He believed that 'dry mouth' is not the first symptom of thirst but one of the last, and that as people age, their ability to recognize thirst decreases. This means they drink less and age even faster.

Dr. Batmanghelid claims that drinking enough water can protect people from
Asthma and allergies, Obesity, High blood cholesterol, Heart disease and stroke, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Leukemia and Lymphoma, Attention Deficit Disorder, Hot flushes, Gout, Kidney stones, Hypertension, Depression and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Sleep disorders, Lack of energy, Addiction, Infection.

~ Lemon water: Add a sliced un-squeezed lemon to a large jug of water and sip throughout the day. While lemons are acid pH, the acid is neutralised during the digestion process, therefore, they help maintain pH balance for a strong immune system.

~ Olive Leaf Extract:
Olive Leaf Extract (OLE) is a powerful ‘natural’ anti-virus, anti-bacteria, anti-mould, and antioxidant, traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to support the immune system with a multitude of health and life-extending benefits, including preventing oxidative damage and promoting arterial health.

Key OLE benefit = anti-virus
Antibiotics can kill bacteria but they can not kill viruses.

Viral infections can not be treated with antibiotics, yet many people are encouraged to take a course of antibiotics for an ear infection, or a bout of cold or flu. The documentary film “Resistance” explains the problem of antibiotic resistance.

See US gov. OLE research report and general overview:
E.g. Beginners are recommended to start with 1/2 a teaspoon 4 times a day for one or two days at first sign of colds or virus infections.
Follow with 1/2 to 1 teaspoon a day for longer term support as needed. Mix well with saliva before swallowing

Warning: Possible side effects for beginners

- Stomach irritation.
- Diarrhoea.
- Acid reflux/Heartburn
- Dizziness in people who have low blood-pressure, by lowering further.
These effects are usually prevented by taking small doses until your body is used to it.

~ Colloidal Silver (CS) was used for centuries before antibiotics were introduced in the 1940s. Viruses enter via eyes, nose and mouth, but mainly through the nose, CS is a powerful, yet gentle, germicidal disinfectant, antibacterial, antiviral solution. CS deserves respectful appreciation as an occasional eye wash or nasal cleanser, preventing sinus infection, and as a mouth wash – as a substitute for ‘oil pulling’ and especially helpful for those with dental bridges.

~ Oil Pulling detoxifies and purifies the entire human body: NCBI
How long should you oil pull for? Start with just 5 minutes a day: WebMD
How often should you oil pull? If you suffer from gingivitis or gum disease, oil pull once a day to improve gum health. If you have good oral health, oil pull 1-2 times each week.

Oil Pulling: Benefits, Risks & How to Oil Pull
Ask the dentist - Mark Burhenne, DDS
Excerpt: Oil pulling is the ancient Ayurvedic practice of swishing oil (like coconut or sesame) in your mouth for several minutes. Oil pulling originated in India millennia ago but is now widely practiced around the world. You can technically oil pull with any edible oil, but coconut oil is best for improving oral health.

~ Bi-Carbonate of Soda:
Bicarbonate of soda (aka bi-carb soda, sodium bicarbonate / NaHCO?) has been used for centuries as an antacid, to boost oxygen uptake, treat heartburn, indigestion, and upset stomach. Bicarbonate is also producted in the Duodenum:
"the bulk of gastric acid neutralization and CO2 absorption occurs in the duodenum."Ham, et. al, 2012.

Mix 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of bi-carb soda in a small glass of water (1/2 cup) to instantly neutralize stomach acidity - at least 2 hours after digesting food - best taken before going to bed – as needed. Stomach acids are essential for digestion of food and those digestive juices must be re-activated before next meal with apple cider vinegar.

Washing fruit and veggies with bi-carb soda will remove dirt and wax and will also destroy pesticides and toxic chemicals which remain on the surface of foods after harvest, e.g. soak 1.5 tsp bi-carb soda in 1 Ltr water (aprox. 6 cups) for 12 to 15 minutes.
See details under Part 5

FYI: Bi-Carb Soda is the main ingredient in Alka Seltzer
U.S. National Library of Medicine: DAILYMED
Active ingredients (in each tablet):
- Anhydrous citric acid 1000 mg: Antacid
- Aspirin 325 mg (NSAID): Analgesic
- Sodium bicarbonate 1916 mg: Antacid
Medically recommended Alka Seltzer dosage:
Single dose = 2 tablets every 4 hours (not to exceed 8 tablets in 24 hours): 2 tablets = 3832mg bi-carb soda = 0.766 tsp,

with no indications on the impact on digestive juices.

~ Apple Cider Vinegar: (ACV) helps circulation and is a great internal cleanser. Use certified organic ACV with the ‘Mother’ in it. Take no more than 2 teaspoons in a glass of water 15 minutes before a meal to stimulate digestive juices for better breakdown of your food.

Alternatively, add a teaspoon of ACV to a glass of warm (not hot) water with a little honey to sweeten. Honey should not be dissolved in boiling water because heat will destroy the nutrients, and ‘real’ honey has a positive interaction with the cider. Store in a flask and sip during the day, especially at particularly stressful times.

Elevated blood sugar is believed to be a major cause of ageing and various chronic diseases, including diabetes. The most effective (and healthiest) way to keep blood sugar levels stable is to avoid refined carbs and sugar, but apple cider vinegar may also have a powerful effect.

Additional benefits
Lose excessive weight, lower blood pressure, overcome insomnia, eliminate hay fever, joint pain, pseudo gout and arthritis, fluid retention, skin blemishes, eczema, pyorrhoea, etc.

~ Chlorophyll converts sunlight into energy through the process of “photosynthesis” and is found in green leafy vegetables. Chlorophyll is a powerful alkaliser and immune system booster: aids in balancing acidic foods and boosting immunity by alkalising, detoxing and reducing gas and bloating. Take 1-3 teaspoons (5-15ml) straight or diluted with water. Drink it through the day to feel cleansed and alkalised.

~ Celery or cherry extracts are powerful aids in reducing symptoms of excess uric acid:
SHARP JOINT PAIN - Gout and arthritis-like symptoms, are caused by build-up of uric acid crystals in the joints, especially in the toes and knees. Aka Acidosis.
In addition to optimising diet management, fresh celery and bitter apples are great kidney cleansers, but when acidosis has set in, you'll need the more concentrated support of EXTRACTS: Cherry extract or Celery extract have been proven to be an effective remedy.
See, dedicated pages on maintaining pH Balance HERE AND 'proper' food digestion HERE.

~ Honey:
From ancient times, the health benefits of honey have been celebrated for antibacterial and bacterial resistance power, including application as an ointment for wounds.
Studies of methylglyoxal (MGO) in Manuka honey are worth following:
1. Medweb; 2. Healthline; 3. NCBI

Raw unpasturised honey, in water, strengthens the immune system, cleanses the intestines of toxin deposits, and cleanses the digestive tract of parasites, and, it will help to prevent parasite breeding.

    How to prepare honey-water
    Simply add one teaspoon of honey to a glass of warm water and stir. (Hot water will destroy some of the nearly 200 nutrients in honey.

~ Herbal teas: Peppermint, lemongrass, and chamomile tea are good to drink in the evening, while green tea is best taken during the day due to high caffeine content.

    Loose-leaf teas are best.
    Some tea bags are made with plastic, such as nylon, thermoplastic, PVC or polypropylene. While these plastics have high melting points, the temperature at which the molecules in polymers begin to break down is always lower than the melting point, which could allow the bags to leach compounds of unknown health hazards into your tea when steeped in boiling water.
    Paper tea bags are frequently treated with epichlorophydrin, which hydrolyzes to 3-MCPD when contact with water occurs. 3-MCPD is a carcinogen associated with food processing that has also been implicated in infertility and suppressed immune function. Purchase tea from manufacturers who can certify that their tea bags do not contain epichlorophydrin, and avoid plastic tea bags.

    Choose organic tea grown in a pristine environment, to avoid pesticides. Tea is known to accumulate fluoride, heavy metals and other toxins from soil and water, so a clean growing environment is essential to producing a pure, high-quality tea.

Step 1
Detox and Cleanse
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Detox with a single dose of Activated Charcoal
(available in-store and online – tablet or powder)
Taken before going to sleep, one single overnight dosage is all that will be necessary.
One teaspoonful of activated charcoal powder expands to a surface area of more than 10,000 square feet of 'material' sweeping through the body.
Occasionally, as we feel necessary, we use activated charcoal for a 'quick' internal cleanse. Be sure to take it late at night to prevent removal of undigested nutrients along with toxins.
Expect the process to take about two days.

Activated Charcoal can absorb and eliminate -
1. lead acetate, strychnine, DDT, cocaine, iodine, penicillin, aspirin, phenobarbital, barbituates, chlorine, lead and mercury, etc..
2. thousands of times its own weight in harmful substances: heavy metals, poisons, and other chemicals.
3. and neutralize and deodorize foul-smelling intestinal gases.

Read the book:
RX Charcoal: Startling new facts about the world's most powerful clinical adsorbent
(1998), by Agatha Thrash M.D. & Calvin Thrash M.D.

Only use activated charcoal from hardwood/ timber/ trees /coconut husk.
(Burned food = burned fat and carbohydrate = carcinogenic cellulose.)
See also:
- Study: Preparation of Activated Carbon From Coconut Husk. . .
Journal of Hazardous Materials

- Informative: What is the difference when you use wood charcoal or coconut shell charcoal? Is one at a higher quality than the other?
- Followed by index of Related Questions HERE

Step 2
Easy Blood Cleanse
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A two-week Dandelion Greens blood cleanse:

Dandelion leaves

Take 1 leaf x 3 times a day for 2 weeks. e.g. One large leaf with each meal.
Dandelions greens are a prolific weed. Source well away from roadsides and sprayed parklands, and clean thoroughly.
(Allow them to grow in your garden and continue to add one-a-day to salad or simply chew as a daily practice.)

This excellent website gives guidelines on identifying dandelions.
European and Asian nations have greatly benefited for years from the incredible nutritional value that this weed contains. Dandelions are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and it even has antioxidants. For example, acording to this lovely source, one cup of raw dandelion greens contains 112% of your daily required intake of vitamin A and 535% of vitamin K. The common yellow dandelion has a long list of powerful healing abilities as well as other health benefits.
>>> more

dandelion leaves According to Oregon State University's Linus Pauling Institute, dandelion greens contain 741% of recommended daily amount of Vitamin K.
>>> more

Another good source, MedWeb says: Dandelion is used for loss of appetite, upset stomach, intestinal gas, gallstones, joint pain, muscle aches, eczema, and bruises. Dandelion is also used to increase urine production and as a laxative to increase bowel movements. It is also used as skin toner, blood tonic, and digestive tonic. >>> more

Dandelion leaf may act as a diuretic.
Their mildly bitter taste has a cleansing effect on the liver, including quickly removing drugs from the body.

Dandelion greens are often used in salads and cooking. Dandelions also contain vitamins C and B6, thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, iron (crucial for generating red blood cells), potassium (to help regulate heart rate and blood pressure), and manganese. Other nutrients present in dandelion greens include folate, magnesium, phosphorus, and copper.

Selected reports

(1) 11 Dandelion Health Benefits That Might Just Surprise You
Plus, when to steer clear of the plant
Lauren Wellbank and Judy McGuire, April 2020, Prevention

“Dandelion tea, made from the dandelion root, is considered an ancient herbal medicine and comes with many health benefits,” explains Nicole Ritieni R.N. working on the clinical team at New York Center for Innovative Medicine. ...
... individuals on certain medications—especially diuretic medications—and those on medications affecting their kidneyfunction, or people taking certain antibiotics, should discuss with their health care provider if adding dandelion root is safe and appropriate.” ...
.. explore the benefits of dandelion.
1. Supports liver health ...
2. Improves cellular health ...
3. Reduces inflammation ...
4. Protects against illness ...
5. Improves gut health ...
6. May help stabilize blood sugars ...
7. Keeps kidney stones at bay ...
8. Battles bloat ...
9. Packs a nutritional punch ...
10 Helps treat urinary tract infections ...
11. May aid in weight loss ...

(2) Cancer-killing dandelion tea gets €144K research grant
This natural remedy has unexpected healing powers
Wednesday, May 3, 2017, Times of Malta

Researchers in Ontario, Canada have received an additional €144,000 grant to study the effects of dandelion root extract in fighting cancer, according to CBC News. The added grant means the research project has now attracted €199,000 in research funding. 

A biochemist at the University of Windsor, Siyaram Pandey, has been involved in the study of the dandelion root extract's potential to combat cancer for nearly two years. His team's first phase of research revealed that dandelion root extract caused an extremely aggressive and drug-resistant blood cancer cell, chronic monocytic myeloid leukemia, to die.

“It was startling, but it was not that startling until we saw that it was non-toxic to the normal cells.”

Scientists then found that multiple treatments, using a low dose of dandelion root extract, was successful in killing the majority of the cancerous cells present.

(3) Ovadje, Pamela, et al. (2016), Dandelion root extract affects colorectal cancer proliferation and survival through the activation of multiple death signalling pathways, Oncotarget. 2016 Nov 8; 7(45).

Dandelion extracts have been studied extensively in recent years for its anti-depressant and anti-inflammatory activity. Recent work from our lab, with in-vitrosystems, shows the anti-cancer potential of an aqueous dandelion root extract (DRE) in several cancer cell models, with no toxicity to non-cancer cells. In this study, we examined the cancer cell-killing effectiveness of an aqueous DRE in colon cancer cell models. Aqueous DRE induced programmed cell death (PCD) selectively in 95% of colon cancer cells, irrespective of their p53 status, by 48 hours of treatment. The anti-cancer efficacy of this extract was confirmed in in-vivo studies, as the oral administration of DRE retarded the growth of human colon xenograft models by more than 90%. We found the activation of multiple death pathways in cancer cells by DRE treatment, as revealed by gene expression analyses showing the expression of genes implicated in programmed cell death. Phytochemical analyses of the extract showed complex multi-component composition of the DRE, including some known bioactive phytochemicals such as α-amyrin, β-amyrin, lupeol and taraxasterol. This suggested that this natural extract could engage and effectively target multiple vulnerabilities of cancer cells. Therefore, DRE could be a non-toxic and effective anti-cancer alternative, instrumental for reducing the occurrence of cancer cells drug-resistance.

(4) Dandelions, (2007), by Anita Sanchez, author of “The Teeth of the Lion” (2006), Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association

To get us back on the right dandelion track, here are 10 dandelion-related facts. 
- 1. Dandelions have sunk their roots deep into history. They were well known to ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, and have been used in Chinese traditional medicine for over a thousand years. Dandelions probably arrived in North America on the Mayflower – not as stowaways, but brought on purpose for their medicinal benefits. 

- 2. Dandelions were world-famous for their beauty. Dandelions were a common and beloved garden flower in Europe, and the subject of many poems. In the terrifying New World, the cheerful face of the dandelion would have been a sweet reminder of home. In Japan, whole horticultural societies formed to enjoy the beauty of dandelions and to develop exciting new varieties for gardeners.

- 3. Dandelions are a green and growing first aid kit. The use of dandelions in the healing arts goes so far back that tracing its history is like trying to catch a dandelion seed as it floats over the grass. For millennia, dandelion tonics have been used to help the body’s filter, the liver, remove toxins from the bloodstream. In olden times, dandelions were prescribed for every ailment from warts to the plague. To this day, herbalists hail the dandelion as the perfect plant medicine: It is a gentle diuretic that provides nutrients and helps the digestive system function at peak efficiency. ...

The Teeth of the Lion:
The Story of the Beloved and Despised Dandelion
by Anita Sanchez, 2007
EXCERPT from the book:
. . . Not too long ago, prize dandelions were exhibited at county fairs–one variety was patriotically christened the “American Improved.” Gardeners used to weed out the grass to make room for the dandelions.

What happened? In an amazingly short space of time–less than one human life-span–this loved garden flower became the most unpopular plant in the neighborhood.

Thirty million acres of the United States are lawns, and an estimated eighty million pounds of pesticides are used on them annually.
Probably no other plant in the world undergoes such a barrage of deadly chemicals; humans have attempted to exterminate dandelions with a passion that’s usually reserved for cockroaches or tarantulas. Yet the dandelion remains.

How does the dandelion do it? What’s the secret of its success?
In these days of environmental destruction, thousands of species are on the verge of extinction. Not just California condors and blue whales, plants are in peril, too; wild orchids and ferns, painted trillium and pink lady-slippers: whole species are declining in spite of frantic efforts to preserve them. An estimated 100,000 species of plants are in danger of extinction worldwide. It might be worth our while to examine how it happens that the dandelion can thrive, in the most inhospitable of habitats, defying humans’ best efforts to get rid of it. >>> more

Step 3
Lymphatic System Cleanse
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Our body has twice as much lymph fluid as blood
Lymphatic drainage therapy clears the body of congestion so that all bodily systems including the immune and lymphatic system can operate and function normally.

Learn more: Lymphatic system Fact Sheet -
The lymphatic system is our body's 'sewerage system'
... When the lymphatic system does not drain fluids from the tissues properly, the tissues swell, appearing puffy and uncomfortable. If the swelling only lasts for a short period it is called oedema. If it lasts longer (more than about three months) it is called lymphoedema.

Jump for Joy!
Benefits of rebounding on a mini trampoline.

Dancers, gymnasts, sprinters, etc., already understand the "health benefits" that follow jumping on the ground. The benefits that come with jumping on a trampoline or rebounder for just one minute a day are even more profound.
Note: be sure to 'unlock' knee joints when jumping

– When we bounce up to weightlessness, we land back down carrying two to four times our weight, depending on how high we leap.
So rebounding is a weight-bearing exercise.
– The impact of the bounce acts as suction which moves lymph fluid around the body more effectively than any other exercise.

DIY: Lymph Drainage Massage
by Heather Wibbels, LMT
Visit her YouTube Channel

The legendary Budwig Protocol:
Designed to improve cellular oxygen absorption

"Any substance depriving a cell of oxygen is a carcinogen"
- D
r. Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize winner, twice, in 1931 and in 1944, for discovering the cause of Cancer.

Dr. Johanna Budwig's protocol:
Probiotic Lymphatic cleanse
- for cancer prevention
"The original natural cancer treatment clinic and protocol"
German pharmacist, Dr. Johanna Budwig (1908-2003) held doctorate degrees in physics and chemistry. She died at the age of 94 following an accident which caused a femoral neck fracture.

"Toxins are one of the main factors that contribute to various diseases, so controlling them is essential. A regular intake of fruits and vegetables helps you to actively detoxify your body, which is a fundamental part of our diet plan." - Dr. Johanna Budwig

Dr. Budwig discovered that by supplying flaxseed oil (alkaline) and quark (low-fat, low acid cheese) to her patients, the body´s oxygen absorption increased immediately and naturally.

- Budwig Center's website:
- How the Budwig Diet Plan works- an overview
- Download the generously detailed 50-page Guide HERE.
Excerpt - page 6 of the Introduction

Microbes / Viruses / Fungus: (Pathogens)
Several studies have shed light on how some types of Cancer and tumor activity are caused by unique viral microbes found inside the impaired cells. These microbes enter weak cells, causing damage by starving them of oxygen and healthy nutrition, amongst other things. The impaired cell area is an inviting environment for fungus and virus to settle.
. . .
Toxins ...
Compromised Immune System ...
Nutritional imbalance
In summary, if we follow a balanced diet, eat the right foods and, therefore, nurture a strong immune system, our bodies will be able to fight off intruders and withstand the stress negative experiences can put on our system.

QUICK overview:
How to prepare the famous Dr. Budwig Probiotic "Muesli"
This recipe must be prepared and consumed within 20 minutes.

Re. bonding of flaxseed oil and quark: Quark is a probiotic low-fat cottage cheese (maximum 2% fat content). The sulphur protein components in the cheese make the oil water-soluble and helps to carry it into the cells.
– Flaxseed oil, (and linseed oil) must be refrigerated when opened.
– Hempseed oil has emerged as a better source of Omega 3 & 6.
– Use a wooden or bamboo spoon instead of metal (best for all probiotics).

Probiotic Muesli Recipe


  • 6 tablespoons pure organic quark (100g)
    (low-fat cottage cheese)
  • 3 tablespoon cold pressed organic flaxseed oil
    - Step 1: blend until oil is fully disolved
    - Step 2: add and blend

  • 2 tablespoons freshly ground flaxseeds
  • 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper

More Guide excerpts:
Page 8

- Step 1. Mix 3 tablespoons of flaxseed oil with 6 tablespoons of cottage cheese/quark (maximum 2% fat content). If the fat content of the cottage cheese or quark is too high, the flaxseed oil will not mix into it, cancelling out the oxygenating benefits of the Budwig Muesli.
Do not stir by hand.
Use a blender or a handheld electric mixer for 1 minute at a slow speed. The muesli should have the consistency of whipped cream, with no excess oil. Do not add anything else until it has a creamy consistency.

- Step 2 – Separately, in a coffee grinder, grind 2 tablespoons of whole flaxseeds and add to the mix.
This muesli turns rancid after 20 minutes, so it must be ingested immediately. Do not grind and store seeds to be used later.
Options ...

Page 10

. . . The negative aspects of dairy seem to be largely neutralized when combined with flaxseed, as a chemical reaction takes place and the muesli formula becomes bio available and henceforth floods the body with high amounts of life giving oxygen.

Page 14

Are Ozone or similar high-oxygen treatments suitable?
Translated and extracted by Healing Cancer Naturally ©2006 from Dr. Budwig's book... Das Fettsyndrom pp. 76 ff: “The use of oxygen concentrate, aerosols, hydrogen peroxide injections and other methods of counteracting hypoxia or tissue anoxia, means forcing blood to take oxygen. Trying to do this through non-biological means is the wrong way to go about it. The priority should be to investigate why the blood is not absorbing enough oxygen?”
The link between a lack of oxygen in the blood and how it affects our health has been firmly established.

The effects of insufficient oxygen can range from fatigue to a potentially fatal disease. Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize winner both in 1931 and later in 1944 for discovering the cause of Cancer, said: “Cancer has one main cause. The main cause of cancer is when normal cellular oxygen breathing, is replaced with an anaerobic cellular breathing (less oxygen)”.
Once a cell´s oxygen availability drops below 60% of its normal rate, the cell is forced to change to an inferior energy production method (fermentation); the cell cannot return to an adequate oxygenation system, and loses control of replication, and therefore starts to frantically make copies of itself, a condition we call cancer. Dr. Warburg pointed out that any substance depriving a cell of oxygen is a carcinogen.

Step 4
Cleaning Fruit and Vegetables
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Pesticides and herbicides disrupt neurological and endocrine systems.
In particular, glyphosate has been shown to severely damage gut flora and cause chronic diseases rooted in gut dysfunction.
When possible, choose locally grown organic and Bio-Dynamic foods
- and wash your fruit and vegetables before preparing.

Washing fruit and veggies with bicarbonate of soda (aka Sodium Bicarbonate / NaHCO3) will remove dirt and wax and will also destroy pesticides and toxic chemicals which remain on the surface of foods after harvest.
Dirt from the surface of foods can be transferred to and from your hands.

Mix 1 tsp bi-carb soda (baking soda) in 1.5 Litres water (= 6.34 cups)
soak for 12 to 15 minutes, rinse – and dry thoroughly for storage.

Two studies

American Chemical Society:
A new study finds that a baking soda wash can completely remove residues of two pesticides from the surface of apples.
(J. Agric. Food Chem. 2017, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b03118)

Cornell University: Are pesticides posing intolerable risks?
- The Truth about "Poisoned" apples
- Panic in the Produce Aisle
- But are Children Taken into Account?
- On the Handling of Fruits and Vegetables 
- How organic farming fits into the picture.

Go to
–: Maintaining pH Balance

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